Matthew 5:45 “So that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.”
I never gave this verse much thought, yes I was taught to always be thankful for the little things. But when I took a closer look to this passage it made me even more grateful. For me I always knew the sun would rise and set with everyday, that’s what is has done all of my life so why would it be any different? God doesn’t have to make the sun rise and set, He can make it stand still like in the book of Joshua. But even though we aren’t grateful He still allows this. This is a picture of God's grace because we need the sun for plants to grow and without the sun we could not survive very long, because we would run out of nutritious food. So even though we have done things to not deserve His grace He still provides for us. He also lets us have rain. The rain helps the soil, and again helps plants grow, and give us clean drinking water. Without rain it would be very difficult to survive for long. Instead of complaining about the sun or the rain instead we should be joyous and thankful that God is still giving us grace we don’t deserve. When I was growing up I never thought of rain as God's mercy or something to be extra thankful for. I was always told that to have our state be this green we will need the rain. This didn’t stop me from complaining about constantly having rain. Then when I read this verse it put everything into perspective and made me so grateful that God would constantly pour down His mercy on us. I also though what other small things that just “happen” do we take for granted and don't have a thankful attitude. So instead of complaining we should be thankful for the fact that we get another day to be in God’s will.
Application: I will make a list of the little things I see God in and am thankful for.
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