Psalm 57:4-5 “My soul is in the midst of lions;I lie down amid amid fiery beasts-- the children of man, whose teeth are spears and arrows, whose tongues are sharp swords. Be exalted, O God, above the heavens! Let your glory be over all the earth!”
You take this verse and you look at it in a literal sense, where you are surrounded by lions, that would be a very scary place to be and you wouldn’t want to be there. But this is what the world can look like, not with real lions but with people who will tear you to shreds at any moment and are just filled with anger. So if we look at it that way we can’t think the world is fine and safe and that we can ride both lines, living for God and living in the world. The world is very good at putting on a mask and seeming like its okay to be a part of it but in reality it’s just like a hungry lion waiting for its prey. But we shouldn't live being afraid, just because we live in this world doesn't mean we need to be apart of it we have God. We also shouldn't be surprised by people of the worlds actions,heart broken but not shocked. They don’t see what they are doing is destroying themselves and others, they just want to live their own life. Instead of being afraid or shocked we should pray for those of the world that their eyes would be open to the destruction they are creating, and also give glory to God. Because before we had Christ we were just like those in the world, but God gave us grace and a better life through Jesus Christ. So when people attack us physically, emotionally, and spiritually we should have compassion on them and give thanks to God that He saved us from ourselves otherwise we could be just like them.
Wake up early and pray and give thanks for God saving me from myself.
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