2 Samuel 24:24 “ But the king said to Arauah ‘No, but i will buy it from you for a price. I will not offer burnt offerings to the Lord my God that cost me nothing,’ So David bought the threshing floor and the oxen for fifty sheckles of silver.”
I came across this verse while we were doing group devotionals and someone was sharing on it, and it just rang so true. God asks us to give Him ten percent and here we see that David wasnt going to offer things to the Lord without having to pay something. He understood the cost that the Lord paid for us and wouldnt let that go. Where so often when God just asks for ten percent money wise we groan and think that it is such a pain and that we can’t live without it. But if you took out a $10,000 loan and then that person told you you only have to pay them back $1,000 and nothing more. You would be shocked and so excited and will to pay that price. So why dont we have joy when we give God our ten percent, there is nothing we can do to pay back the price that Jesus paid for us and God doesnt want us to He just wants our whole heart. Which involves our time, money, thoughts, and every thing else. We should praise the Lord that that is all He is asking of us because He could ask anyamount and we still couldnt pay back the debt. For me yes giving the ten percent of my money to the Lord can sometimes be challengeing esspecialy when the paycheck is more money but the harder part is giving the Lord eniugh of my undivided time and attention. Because He doesnt just want our money He wants a relation ship with us on top of it.
I will spend more time in the word and prayer the rest of this week.
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