Luke 21:1-4 “ Jesus looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the offering box, and he saw a poor widow put in two small copper coins. And he said, ‘ Truly, I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all of them. For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.’”

This is a story that I can remember being taught since I was little. The application was always have faith that Christ can provide. But I don’t think I ever truly grasped that concept until I studied it for myself. The rich were putting gifts into the offering, nothing that they couldn’t survive without. But then you look at the widow she put her entire livelihood into the offering. More than likely she had no income coming in to support her, her main source of income had died. She had to be smart with what she spent her money on so that she could continue to live. The rich were more than likely giving out of obligation or wanting to show off, but she was giving out of love and faith. She loved and had a healthy fear of God enough that she wanted to give Him her money, instead of buying food or clothes. She had enough faith that she wouldn’t have a need to worry about how she would survive. I don’t want to just give to God my money or my time out of obligation but I want to give it out of a love and a healthy fear for our Creator. I want to truly have this faith that this widow had. Because if we don’t have faith and don’t let God have a chance to be faithful when we need Him. How then will we experience the true joy that come with an intimate relationship with Him. The widow probably experienced God's faithfulness more than the rich, even though all they had was from God they more than likely never saw God's hand in their life like the widow experienced.


I will read stories about missionaries whose lives are examples of living by faith.


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