IBS field time week 4

Psalm 100:1 “ Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth!”

This is such a simple verse but something so small that often times we forget to do. Praise Him however that looks for you. God deserves all the glory and the praise. No matter what the situation if you take a step back and praise God it can help give you a peace and remember that you are not doing this alone but are in a community of believers and most importantly you have God right there whenever you need Him. It’s very easy to praise Him when things go great, but what about when your computer breaks or your stressed out. That’s especially when we need to praise God for what we e have and what He has done and will do no matter the outcome. I know that my first reaction is not to praise the Lord but to question Him and get annoyed but that’s not where my heart should be. I should be praising Him in everything even when I don’t feel like it.

Application: I will look up 2 passages about praising the Lord


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