IBS week 8.1

John 12:26 "Anyone who wants to serve me must follow me, because my servants must be where I am. And the Father will honor anyone who serves me."

How honored would we be to be servants of the one true God. And we are, He chose us to be His servants, that's such a blessing and an honor. If we realized that we are truly Gods servants than when we are asked to do things we wouldn't grumble or complain because we aren't just doing them for man but we get to do them for our King. What a difference would it be to look at tasks with a mind set of getting to serve the Lord instead of having to because we were told to. But many times we could hear this passage and not like how it says that we are servants because we've grown up in a culture that says we are free to do whatever and being a servant to others is lowly and that instead people should be serving you. When in reality we are all serving something or someone and I would rather serve a Lord who is just and treats His people with respect and will give honor to those who serve Him. This could be a hard concept to grasp because Jesus calls us to serve the lowly not just the well off, He takes us out of our comfort zone and wants to see if we would truly trust Him when He calls us to serve so that He can honor and bless us. It is hard to remember to always have a good attitude or that we are doing this all unto the Lord but one way that has helped me in the past is to try and give every thought to the Lord before it can truly change my attitude for the worse.

I will try to get back into the habit of giving my thoughts over to the Lord by trying to do so all of today.


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