IBS ft 1
Ephesians 5:1 “ Therefore be imitators of God as dear children.”

What does it truly mean to be imitators of Christ? God is our example and the more we read the bible to really understand the characteristics of Christ the more we also learn how we should be living. It’s very easy to just do our own thing during the day and not even double check our actions and the heart behind them to see if they match up with the Lord. We desire to do one thing but the Lord desires us to do another and then we just brush it off, but the more we dig into the word and deliberately take time to be alone with God the harder it is to be obedient to your fleshes desires. In the end your desires change to be the same as the Lords and it turns out to be much easier to know if what you were doing or wanting to do was the Lords desire for you or your flesh, and you will in turn want to do the will of the Lord because you know God has a perfect plan. And yours usually ends up causing more pain then joy. For me it is easy to get into my own head and not think if what I’m doing is truly honoring, but since being in IGNITE with how much time I have had to spend with the Lord it has truly changed my desires. Now I am wanting to read the bible, and pray more. I want my desires to be that of the Lords and it’s still a process but I am learning more about discerning between that of the Lord and my own fleshes desires.

Application: Tomorrow when there is a down time I will be purposeful with that time and read my bible. 


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