Week 5

Luke 3:14 "What should we do?' asked some soldiers. John replied, 'Don't extort money or make false accusations. and be content with your pay."

I know for myself I'm always looking for the next job that will pay me more then my current one. Which I don't see as bad, its more that if the money becomes a god to you and that is the only thing you are focused on, not whether if this is where God actually wants you for that time. When being focused on money turns to something holding you back from what God is truly wanting for you is when you need to take a step back and look at your true priority's. For me God has always provided the next job at the right time with the right pay. Even though I would stress about needing more money especially for coming to IGNITE, I knew God had a plan and would provide like He has in the past. Even if the job didn't pay as much as I would prefer I still had abundantly more then I could ask for and would have to learn to be content with what God has for me at that time. And in the end I realized I had a pretty laid back job even though it wasn't a ton of hours I had flexible hours and was able to take off days if needed. I then realized that God has been providing for me in everything even beyond finances and I wasn't worried about those other things, so why would I worry about money and instead just trust in Gods timing and be content with what I have.

Application: I will be content with what I'm given by not having any extra snacks today.


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