week 4

Colossians 1:11 " We also pray that you will be strengthened with all His glorious power so you will have all the endurance and patience you need. May you be filled with joy." (NLT)

God wants to give us what we need, which is patience and the strength to keep going. Sometimes its hard to keep going on because it seems like everything is closing in and there is no light. But God is extending His hand to us and all we have to do is reach out to Him and let Him know that we need His help in all of this. It doesn't mean that everything is going to be all fixed but you now have a joy and a peace that the Lord of all is right there with you healing and comforting through this and bringing a light out of the dark. That is just a great encouragement to me to keep going because the Lord that was born into this world and never sinned wants to go through our struggles with us and take them away from us to relive our burden and bring a great joy. For me it is easy to diminish Gods power and think that He can't help me with what I'm going through but in reality I can't do this without Him. God has been showing me that I'm needing to let my sense of control go and surrender all to Him everyday. It hasn't been easy but I'm seeing the benefits of giving Him all, it feels like a weight I didn't know I was carrying has now been lifted.

Application: I will continue to pray for God to reveal to me if there are still things that are holding me back from completely surrendering all to Him.


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