week 4

Hebrews 6:12 " That you do not become sluggish, but imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises."

Reading this I'm definitely feeling convicted because I'm not really wanting to write this IBS even though I know I need to. There are other things that I would be lazy about and push off tell a later time when I should have done it right then. Procrastinating flowed over to obeying what God told me to do. Where I would end up not reading my bible because of it and then not hearing from God. So this is a good reminder to find those examples to imitate that are a good influence. Its hard to keep your faith up when you put things off and then when you need that faith its not there. God wants us to be faithful and patient not just one or the other.I'm not good at being patient so that is usually an area that I push to the side and plow on a head where instead this is saying I need to be more patient. This is just a good reminder to keep our eyes on the Lord and continue to die to self.

Application: I will wake up 15 mins earlier for 2 days.


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