IBS week 4.1
Luke 8:11-15 “This is the meaning of the parable; The seed is God’s word. The seeds that fell on the foot path represent those who hear the message, only to have the devil come and take it away from their hearts and prevent them from believing and being saved. The seeds on the rocky soil represent those who hear the message and receive it with joy. But since they don’t have deep roots they believe for a while, then they fall away when they face temptation. The seeds that fell among the thorns represent those who hear the message, but all too quickly the message is crowded out by the cares and riches and pleasures of this life. And so the never grow into maturity. And the seeds that fell on the good soil represent honest, good-hearted people who hear God’s word, cling to it, and patiently produce a huge harvest.”
From this I see that it is very important to have solid roots in the Lord, because even a good moral person could be following God just fine but eventually be swallowed up by the world when struggles and pressures hit. For me having deeper roots would be constantly seeking the Lord through prayer and through reading the bible daily. I go through what seems like seasons where at times I am deep in the Lord and life is going well, so then I start to slack off and don’t read my bible and my prayer life decreases. Then I feel like my roots are superficial and don’t realize when this happened. Then something goes wrong in life and realize I was farther away from the Lord then I thought. Which made me go to the Lord more when I was in need of something rather than always being there with Him and sending Him praise everyday.But before coming to Ignite the Lord was pressing on my heart to grow deeper in Him and the importance of it all to continue persevering even when life is good. Even though I heard the call I don’t think I truly answered it and just kinda half way did it. Since being here I am seeing the benefits of persevering and pressing further into the Lord, I have seen the blessing of doing devotions every morning even though I have been feeling like I am in a dry spell, reading the bible more has made me think about the Lord more thought the day and it gives me hope that I will get out of this dry season.
I will journal today about this day
From this I see that it is very important to have solid roots in the Lord, because even a good moral person could be following God just fine but eventually be swallowed up by the world when struggles and pressures hit. For me having deeper roots would be constantly seeking the Lord through prayer and through reading the bible daily. I go through what seems like seasons where at times I am deep in the Lord and life is going well, so then I start to slack off and don’t read my bible and my prayer life decreases. Then I feel like my roots are superficial and don’t realize when this happened. Then something goes wrong in life and realize I was farther away from the Lord then I thought. Which made me go to the Lord more when I was in need of something rather than always being there with Him and sending Him praise everyday.But before coming to Ignite the Lord was pressing on my heart to grow deeper in Him and the importance of it all to continue persevering even when life is good. Even though I heard the call I don’t think I truly answered it and just kinda half way did it. Since being here I am seeing the benefits of persevering and pressing further into the Lord, I have seen the blessing of doing devotions every morning even though I have been feeling like I am in a dry spell, reading the bible more has made me think about the Lord more thought the day and it gives me hope that I will get out of this dry season.
I will journal today about this day
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