IBS week 3
James 1:5 “If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.”
Reading this I am amazed that God wants us to ask Him questons, and not just try to figure things out on our own. But rather trust Him that He won’t disgrace you because you asked Him a supid question. And there is no judgment for whatever you ask Him. But when we grow closer in the Lord and learn more about His character and become more like Him, you will know which questions to ask. Then it won’t seem like God is ignoring you or always telling you no, but instead it could give you more hope and a deeper personal relationship with Him. For me I forget to bing God my own needs, I will pray for everyone else and neglect myself. My roommates have been reminding me that I need to bring God my questions and my own personal prayers ontop of everyone elses because God is wanting more of a personal relationship with me. So these past few weeks I have been practing giving my needs to God and not trying to “fix” them myself. Its just as simple as asking God for wisdom and God could answer me if it was His timing because He is so generous He wants to give you answers to your questions and give you wisdom. But if we don’t ask theres a posibility that we wouldn’t recieve it, only if we dodn’t ask the worst He could say is no.
- I will write down my questions to God for the next day, and if I recieve a answer I will write the answer.
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