IBS week 3
2 Chorinthians 1:12 “We can say with confidence and a clear conscience that we have lived with a God-given holiness and sincerity in all our dealings. We have depended on God’s grace, not on our own human wisdom. That is how we have conducted ourselves before the world, and especially toward you.” (NLT)
If we didn’t depend on God’s grace but on our own wisdom I don’t even want to think about where I would be today, probaby not sitting here in Guatemala writing an IBS. Our human wisdom is so scued from that of the Lords and I can only thank Him for continuing to give us grace and pour out His wisdom into us. When we have the Lords wisdom it is much easier to act more like Christ and thus be a witness to the world. Having confidence that the Lord has our backs and is willing to guide us no matter where we go brings great comfot. Making it easier to follow His ways and be a light for the community we are pouring into. God wants us to have confidence in Him and have full trust in all of His ability’s. The more wisdom we recive from the Lord the more we see His ways in our lives and the eaiser it is to trust Him. God will still keep giving us grace no matter how many times we mess up or disobey Him. He still wants to give out His wisdom and see it be fullfilled in our lives. God’s grace is greater than we could imagine and greater than any earthly thing because earthly things have a limit but Gods grace truley has no limit. Its the truth and God wants us to belive it and live out His wisdom and will for our lives.
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