Luke 5:8 “But when Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus’ knees saying ‘Depart from me for I am a sinful man, O Lord.’ “
This verse just shows how holy Jesus is and how not we are. Simon just saw all of his fishing nets become completely filled with fish and gave the glory instantly to Jesus. He could have said that he knew where to place the net and when to do so and that it was all him. But he didnt he saw it and realized who this man named Jesus was and then realized how unclean he was and that he didnt deserve to be in Jesus’ presence. This should be our mindset. When we go to pray, when we go to read the bible. Whatever it is we should realize how unworthy we are and how great He is and just send praises up to God that He would allow His son to come and be surrounded by sinners and to save them. Most of the time we don’t take things seriously and forget the weight behind the name of Jesus and God. When instead that should put this desire to be more like them in every way of our lives. Obviously not beating ourselves up when we mess up because we arent perfect but trying to live lives that are honoring to Him.
I will take time to pray about what I’m going to pray about so that way I dont get distracted when I am talking to the Lord.
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