IBS field time week 3
2 Chronicles 19:7 “Now then, let the fear of the Lord be upon you. Be careful what you do, for there is no injustice with the Lord our God, or partiality or taking bribes.”

This is such an important verse because we truly do need to be careful about what we do. This goes even farther than our immediate actions, but what we watch or listen to. Because eventually they are going to start affecting our thoughts and our hearts no matter how hard we try for them to not. The worst part of all is that no matter how hard you try God knows and alabe knows about everything. So there is no trying to hide from Him. What is great about this passage is that it brings about the importance of remembering that God is just in all that He does and all the time. At the same time He is one hundred percent good. He can’t be any less of one of His attributes or else it wouldn’t make Him God. That just gives me such a joy because it shows that He is so much greater than any human and so much bigger. And with that we should want to obey Him in all we do which gives us a healthy respect and fear for Him.

I will pray about being more conscience with what I’m letting into my mind.


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