IBS week 7.1
Ephesians 5:21 " Submitting to one another out of the fear for God."
Were supposed to fear God and I didn't think that one of the ways would be by submitting and respecting one another. At times it can be very hard to want to submit to others and having to obey and respect them because we think our way is better or they are just annoying you that day, but this is a good reminder because we need to look out for what others need and if they are in authority over us, we should obey them with a great full heart. This seems so simple, God is just wanting us to get along with one another and have respect for each others opinions. But how easily do we get into little arguments and fights between one another and let it give you a bad attitude for the rest of the day causing you to be harsh to others and in the end not pleasing God. Then after all is said and done you realize you didn't have your mind set on the Lord and you weren't truly fearing the Lord based off your actions. For me when my mind wonders, and I'm not checking my thoughts or I don't do my devotions in the morning my attitude towards others is completely different. But I am not saying that even when I do my devotions my temper doesn't get the better of me, but I realize it quicker and give it to the Lord faster.
Pray that the Lord will help me submit to one another.
Were supposed to fear God and I didn't think that one of the ways would be by submitting and respecting one another. At times it can be very hard to want to submit to others and having to obey and respect them because we think our way is better or they are just annoying you that day, but this is a good reminder because we need to look out for what others need and if they are in authority over us, we should obey them with a great full heart. This seems so simple, God is just wanting us to get along with one another and have respect for each others opinions. But how easily do we get into little arguments and fights between one another and let it give you a bad attitude for the rest of the day causing you to be harsh to others and in the end not pleasing God. Then after all is said and done you realize you didn't have your mind set on the Lord and you weren't truly fearing the Lord based off your actions. For me when my mind wonders, and I'm not checking my thoughts or I don't do my devotions in the morning my attitude towards others is completely different. But I am not saying that even when I do my devotions my temper doesn't get the better of me, but I realize it quicker and give it to the Lord faster.
Pray that the Lord will help me submit to one another.
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